Health System, Inc., JISHOKAI GROUP

居宅介護支援 西城

〒451-0024 名古屋市西区秩父通2丁目28番地
TEL:052-524-6301 FAX:052-524-3185

ホーム > Advisory Office for the elderly: Koreisha Nandemo Sodanjo

Advisory Office for the elderly: Koreisha Nandemo Sodanjo

Advisory Office for the elderly: Koreisha Nandemo Sodanjo

  • Open:9:00-17:00
  • Closed:Saturday, Sunday, National Holidays,August 13-15 and December 31-January 3



Nursing care with respect for the individual dignity

With respect to each life in the community, we arrange home care programs in cooperation with each user and his/her families.